Dowsing rods for beginners or confirmed to search for objects, sources, to highlight the Hartmann or Curry network or faults.
Brass rods to practice Geobiology and detect in a fast and easy way the main telluric and geobiological disturbances.
Characteristics of the dowsing rods:
- Length of the wands 38 cm
- Wooden handle of 8,5cm
- Easy to hold and grip
How to use your dowsing rods?
- Hold the rods horizontally and parallel.
- Refocus and concentrate on the element to detect. (e.g. search for water)
- Stay focused on the element to be searched for and move forward slowly until the rods start to oscillate.
- Continue moving forward until the wands cross each other sharply.
- Note this point with a marker or stake.
- Continue your search in an orderly fashion to highlight the area.