The Feng Shui toad or frog are very common animals in the Asian culture. Symbols of prosperity, these feng shui animals are usually represented with 3 legs. Discover below all you need to know about this Feng Shui animal also called Chan Chu in order to optimize the energies in your home and benefit from all its advantages.
The Feng Shui toad or frog are very common animals in the Asian culture. Symbols of prosperity, these feng shui animals are usually represented with 3 legs. Discover below all you need to know about this Feng Shui animal also called Chan Chu in order to optimize the energies in your home and benefit from all its advantages.
Many myths surround the toad in Asia. The most famous legend is probably this one. A young peasant was playing near a pond and saw a toad. He grabbed some pebbles and started throwing them at it. Scared, the toad disappeared into the water. For the next few days, it never recovered. Some time later, the young boy saw the toad again and realized that it had only three legs. He apologized to the toad, understanding that it was his fault.
Years passed and the young farmer became a father. His youngest son became ill and his days were numbered. He had no money and could not afford to buy him medicine. When his son was in the worst of it, he heard the croaking of a toad and saw the three-legged frog in front of his house. The frog had a coin in its mouth, which allowed him to save his little boy.
Since then, the Feng Shui toad has been associated with fortune, longevity and luck. Each of its domains represents a leg of the frog. The Asian toad is therefore the pillar of the 3 chances: earth, sky and humanity.
Generally represented on a pile of coins and a sapèque in the mouth (ancient Chinese coin), the Feng Shui toad attracts fortune. Some statuettes also have the Yin and Yang symbol on their heads. According to beliefs, it is at night that the toad goes out to collect its fortune. It is therefore important that it is not placed on a piece of furniture too high.
Its most favorable place is at the entrance, in order to welcome wealth and positive energies. However, it is recommended to avoid that your toad looks outside. His gaze should be diagonally inward.
Of course, the Chinese frog can also be placed in any room of the house, except in the kitchen, bathroom and toilet. Avoid placing it in front of a mirror. This representation will be very useful in your office to bring luck and fortune in your business.
It is not uncommon to find the three-legged toad in shops or even in some companies. The Feng Shui store offers several models of Feng Shui frogs. Thus, you can play on the colors to match your interior.