Water is a living element. Like all living things in this world, it can be positive or negative. The dynamization of water serves to make it purer and richer so that it better nourishes the body.
The Feng Shui Shop provides you with some information on water dynamization.
Water is alive. It is also present everywhere: on earth, in our food and i...
Water is a living element. Like all living things in this world, it can be positive or negative. The dynamization of water serves to make it purer and richer so that it better nourishes the body.
The Feng Shui Shop provides you with some information on water dynamization.
Water is alive. It is also present everywhere: on earth, in our food and is even part of every living being on this planet. Water is the source of life. Without it, every species on Earth could not live. Like us, it has energy. Some researchers even say that it has a memory.
Research has shown that not all water is the same in terms of quality. Nowadays, water is piped into our taps and "cleaned" by chemicals or high voltage. It therefore loses its vigor and quality.
In order to get healthier water, some people will install water softeners or filters. However, there are also techniques for restoring water's energetic quality and vibration. All of these techniques are grouped under the term "dynamization of water".
Dynamized water regains its natural state. It is therefore charged with energy and its effects on the body are very interesting. Indeed, several tests have been conducted and dynamizing water considerably improves hydration. It is also useful to improve the quality of sleep and thus offer a better vitality to your body.
But that's not all. Energized water strengthens the immune system. It is perfect for diets, as it gives a greater feeling of satiety. Finally, it is also highly recommended for athletes, as it accelerates recovery and improves endurance.
There are several methods, some of which are more effective than others. It is said that water can regain its dynamism by stirring it in your glass or in a carafe to create a vortex, as in nature. Others believe that by using magnetic fields, water can be reharmonized as in its natural state.
In Feng Shui, we use shape waves. It is about using geometrical figures which, carrying information, will "transmit" a message to the water. The most powerful form is none other than the flower of life.
To use the flower of life method, simply place your container (glass or carafe) on the pattern, regardless of the material of the support. Wait between 15 minutes and several hours depending on the size of the container. And that's all!