Some will talk about superstitions, others about gris-gris. Whatever the case, Feng Shui pendants are truly associated with protection or nature. Many pendants represent protective and lucky elements. These may actually exist in nature, while others are just a celestial symbolic representation.
Discover the virtues of lucky pendants in Feng Shu...
Some will talk about superstitions, others about gris-gris. Whatever the case, Feng Shui pendants are truly associated with protection or nature. Many pendants represent protective and lucky elements. These may actually exist in nature, while others are just a celestial symbolic representation.
Discover the virtues of lucky pendants in Feng Shui and their effect on the people who wear them.
In Feng Shui, most of the pendants we can find are associated with happiness and prosperity. But there are also some for love, health and luck. Depending on the beliefs of the culture or the sensitivity of the people, lucky pendants can have different names, like talismans, amulets, pentacles, etc.
Feng Shui pendants are an essential part of Chinese art. It is said that when they have been blessed by Buddhist monks, their benefits are multiplied.
They come in various forms and always symbolize a positive aspect. It is advisable to wear them around a red cord representing fire and fervent activator of Chi. You can also choose a yellow or gold cord referring to the Chinese emperor and symbolizing power. Feng Shui pendants are often made of silver or semi-precious stones.
There are simple pendants, others more elaborate. In Feng Shui, it is not uncommon to find representations of lucky elements like the tree of life, the flower of life, etc. Here is the symbolism of the most common representations.
The Feng Shui tree of life pendant
The tree of life is very represented in Feng Shui. It symbolizes man's attachment to the earth, the life cycle, happiness, spirituality and family. It refers to the eponymous tree widely described in all the sacred books of various world religions and is represented through various species.
The tree of life has long strong roots, a solid trunk and bare or leafy branches that reach for the sky. It represents peace, stability, love and personal growth. Wearing a tree of life pendant is a truly positive symbol.
The Triskel Feng Shui Pendant
Associated with Brittany and Celtic roots, the Triskel often appears in Feng Shui. It is said to represent water, earth and fire, but its interpretations differ. Indeed, some think that it is more about the sky, the earth and the water or that the three branches refer to the three Celtic gods: Lug Ogme and Daga. Did you know that? The Triskel must always be turned counter-clockwise, as this is the sacred direction related to peace. Worn counter-clockwise, it portends conflict.
Whether you have Celtic origins or simply love this symbol, it will protect you from negative elements.
The 7 Chakras Feng Shui Pendant
Probably the most common, it represents the crown, root, sacral, solar plexus, heart, throat and third eye. It conveys the balance between these 7 energies and promotes the circulation of Chi throughout your body.
Represented in various forms, the 7 chakras pendant is essential in Feng Shui. To help a person who is tormented or weakened, there is nothing better than such a talisman to regulate the energies and calm the body.
The Buddha leaf Feng Shui pendant
Nature and trees have a special place in Chinese art. This is why their symbolism is powerful. The Buddha leaf is associated with inner peace and wisdom. Many representations of the Asian deity position him in front of a leaf of the Buddha tree. Very aesthetic and perfectly shaped, the leaves are often kept by the faithful.
Their representations in the form of pendants soothe the soul and ward off evil spirits. It is a strong and very aesthetic talisman, preferably worn on a necklace.
Feng Shui pendants in precious or semi-precious stones
The power of lithotherapy inevitably transpires in Feng Shui. The link between nature and man is real and the stones also transmit their energies to protect the body.
Precious or semi-precious stones are widely used in Feng Shui. Worn as pendants, they can take many different shapes: from round to oval, polished, cut or even rough. Depending on the stone worn, the impact on your body is different.