Salt cure to neutralize the bad flying stars n°5 or n°2. The salt cure presented is ready to use. Simply pour the contents of the salt cure into a glass or plastic container if possible cylindrical or round. In 2022 (from February 05, 2022 to February 04, 2023), the annual star 5 is in the center of your home.
Traditional Chinese lucky charm with 10 coins symbolizing fortune and success. The lucky charm presents different traditional Chinese coins all connected to each other to symbolize harmony and union of forces.
Glass with 23.8 carat gold Fleur de Vie inlaid in the bottom of the glass 0.25 L Energizes the water you drink. Ideal as a complement to the dynamizing carafe.
La Boutique du Feng Shui offers you this beautiful Chinese feng shui lucky charm with 3 linked Chinese coins.This Chinese lucky charm can be placed in your home or your car and symbolizes success and prosperity according to Chinese traditions. You can hang the Chinese lucky charm on your doors, on furniture, near your desk or even in your room.
Crystal heart multifaceted Properties of the stone: the crystal attracts and energizes the qi, creates a good Yang energy in the house.Dimension: 4cm sold without wire